Our members are national and international researchers, within the fields of environmental management, human geography, social science, and regional planning with a passion for advancing knowledge for sustainable futures.
Professor Claudia Baldwin
Professor, Urban Design and Town Planning & Co-Director Sustainability Research CentreProfessor Patrick D. Nunn
Professor of Geography & Co-Director of the Sustainability Research Centre
- Dr Phyllis Araneo: Associate Lecturer, School of Education and Tertiary Access
- Dr Graham Ashford: Senior Lecturer, Environmental and Natural Resources Economics
- Associate Professor Harriot Beazley: Associate Professor, Human Geography
- Dr Shannon Brincat: Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations
- Dr Marcus Bussey: Senior Lecturer in History and Futures Studies | School of Law and Society
- Professor RW (Bill) Carter: Professor, Heritage Resource Management
- Professor Jennifer Carter: Professor, Geography
- Dr Margaret Cook: Lecturer, History | School of Law and Society
- Dr Helen Fairweather: Senior Lecturer, Environmental Engineering | Program Coordinator Master of Climate Change Adaptation by Research
- Dr Lee Kannis-Dymand: Senior Lecturer, Clinical Psychology
- Dr Noni Keys: Lecturer, Tertiary Access Studies and Sustainability | School of Education and Tertiary Access
- Associate Professor Sanjeev Kumar Srivastava: Associate Professor, Geospatial Analysis
- Dr Athena Lathouras: Senior Lecturer, Social Work
- Dr Shahab Pourfakhimi: Lecturer, Tourism, Leisure and Event Management | School of Business and Creative Industries
- Professor Neil Powell: Professor of Sustainable Development
- Dr Vikki Schaffer: Senior Lecturer, Tourism, Leisure and Events
- Dr Bridie Scott-Parker: Senior USC Research Fellow, National Health and Medical Research Council
- Professor Tim Smith: Professor of Sustainability
- Dr Aaron Tham: Lecturer, Tourism, Leisure and Event Management (South Bank)
- Dr Raj Yadav: Lecturer, Social Work
- Dr Christine Boulton: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Green infrastructure, Urban Design and Town Planning cboulton@usc.edu.au
- Dr Carmen Elrick-Barr: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Sustainability and Climate Change celrick@usc.edu.au
- Dr Kate English: Lecturer, Sustainability and Climate Change kenglish@usc.edu.au
- Dr Anna McKinlay: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Housing, Urban Design and Town Planning amckinl1@usc.edu.au
- Dr Caroline Osborne: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Research & Development synergyurbanconsulting@gmail.com
- Dr Laura Sinay: Lecturer, tourism and sustainability lsinay@usc.edu.au
- Dr Julia Baird, Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Environmental sustainability, specialising in human dimensions of water resources and water resilience, (Environmental Sustainability Research Centre, Brock University, Canada)
- Dr Alexandra Bec, Adjunct Research Fellow, Economic regional community development, change management, tourism, resilience theory, heritage (City of Gold Coast)
- Prof Quentin Beresford, Adjunct Professor, Politics
- Dr Marta Botta, Adjunct Research Fellow, Cultural change and sustainable futures
- A/Prof Lisa Chandler, Adjunct Associate Professor, Art and Design
- Mr Brendan Doran, Adjunct Professor, International Relations
- Dr Michael Duggan, Adjunct Research Fellow, Education for sustainability (Orange Sky Australia)
- Dr Pedro Fidelman, Adjunct Senior Fellow, Coastal and marine systems, climate change adaptation, natural resource management (Centre for Policy Futures, University of Queensland)
- Dr Eva Friman, Adjunct Professor (Swedish International Centre of Education for Sustainable Development (SWEDESD), Uppsala University, Sweden)
- Dr Takahisa Furuichi, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Geomorphology, hydrology and climatology and socio-economic implications (Hokkaido University, Japan)
- Dr Marcelle Holdaway, Adjunct Fellow in Accountability and Sustainability
- Prof Ken Hughey, Adjunct Professor (Department of Environmental Management, Lincoln University, New Zealand)
- Dr Ben Jarihani, Assistant Professor (University of Central Asia, Tajikistan)
- Prof Robert Kay, Adjunct Professor, Climate change vulnerability impacts and adaptation assessment, geomorphology and coastal planning and management (ICF International, USA)
- Dr Christine King, Adjunct Associate Professor, Multi-stakeholder Learning and Participatory Research, Development and Extension
- A/Prof David Kronlid, Adjunct Associate Professor, Environmental ethics, ecofeminism, holistic mobility with a focus on its existential, ethical & environmental ethical aspects. Climate change justice, mobility, & education for sustainable development (Swedish International Centre of Education for Sustainable Development (SWEDESD), Uppsala University, Sweden)
- Dr Timothy Lee, Adjunct Associate Professor, Tourism, hospitality and leisure management, including health, food, cultural and event tourism
- Prof Michael Lueck, Adjunct Professor, Coastal and marine systems as venues for recreation, sport and tourism (Auckland University of Technology)
- Dr Evanthie Michalena, Adjunct Associate Professor
- Prof Melissa Nursey-Bray, Adjunct Professor, geography, environment and population, Indigenous resource management, coastal management, community engagement (University of Adelaide)
- Dr Tristan Pearce, Adjunct Associate Professor, Climate change vulnerability & adaptation; traditional knowledge systems; cumulative impacts of resource development (University of Northern British Columbia)
- Prof Gary Pickering, Adjunct Professor, Climate change and impacts, climate change adaptation, and climate change psychology, (Brock University, Canada)
- Prof Ryan Plummer, Adjunct Professor, Resilience; Social Ecological Systems (Director of the Environmental Sustainability Research Centre [ESRC], Brock University, Canada)
- Dr Stina Powell, Adjunct Associate Professor, Environmental governance and sustainable development (Head of the Division of Environmental Communication, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences [SLU], Sweden)
- Prof Benjamin Preston, Adjunct Professor (RAND, USA)
- Dr Lisa Ryan, Adjunct Research Fellow (Sunshine Coast Council)
- Prof Noel Scott, Adjunct Professor, Experience design, Technology, Tourism governance, management and marketing.
- Prof Roy Sidle, Adjunct Professor, environmental science, natural hazards, catchment hydrology, hydrogeomorphic processes (Mountain Societies Research Institute, University of Central Asia, Tajikistan)
- Dr Laura Sinay, Adjunct Lecturer, tourism and sustainability
- Dr Erin Smith, Adjunct Research Fellow, Water, rural geography, regional & environmental change management (Aither)
- A/Prof Dana Thomsen, Adjunct Associate Professor
- A/Prof Katherine Warner, Adjunct Associate Professor, Former Regional Senior Expert, Climate Change and Environment
- Prof Iain White, Adjunct Professor, Environmental planning, human geography, risk, vulnerability, resilience (University of Waikato, New Zealand)