Enhance your university experience by connecting with others - build networks for learning, support and the social aspects of being a student.
There are many ways you can connect with support services and other students ... here are some ideas to help you get started:
Attend Orientation
Find out about Orientation activities to help you get prepared for starting university.
Get involved with the USC Student Guild
The Uni Club is the USC's student social hub. Call in and visit us today!

Learning Advisers
Learning Advisers are trained professionals who are ready to help you develop a wide range of academic skills.
Join a Club
University is not all study, study, study. There are plenty of things to do on campus at UniSC. Get involved, it is a great way to meet new friends and have some well earned fun.
View the Campus Life Events calendar

UniSC Sport and Fitness
UniSC is a premier sporting destination with nationally-accredited facilities with dedicated athlete support from leading health and sports scientists.
UniSC Student Senate
The UniSC Student Governance Framework is made up of a number of student representative groups that discuss emerging ideas, issues and views relating to learning, teaching and student services.

Sign up for the UniSC Student Leadership Award
How to get your volunteer contributions and professional development recognised through the Leadership Award.
Social media
Stay informed with the Student News
Read the latest student news.
Prioritise your health
Take care of yourself while you're studying, with USC's range of health and wellbeing services.