Brain changer workshops to shape young minds | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Brain changer workshops to shape young minds

Did you know you have the power to change your brain and therefore your health?

UniSC PhD candidate Kassie Bromley wants to show adolescents how, through workshops at schools.

Kassie is creating ‘Brain Changer’ workshops, which will teach students how a healthy lifestyle can shape their brains and mental health – now and into the future.

This project is important. Research shows mental health issues often start during adolescence. But it is also during this time that a healthy lifestyle is often not prioritised.

The workshops will use neuroscience to explain how sleep, healthy eating, physical activity, mindfulness and social connection can influence adolescent brain development and mental wellbeing.

Outside of her PhD, Kassie is a Guidance Counsellor at Siena Catholic College and a research assistant for LABS.

She is passionate about adolescent mental health research and empowering young people to take steps towards better mental health.

Kassie is completing her PhD with UniSC's Thompson Institute, in its youth mental health research program.

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