Study overseas at Akita International University, Japan
Hear from Luke, a third year Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management) student who studied overseas in Japan.

2022 NCP scholarship recipient heads to Malaysia
Two UniSC students have been given the chance to study overseas while pursuing unique opportunities like challenging gender perceptions through toys in Malaysia and promoting sustainability in the Pacific - after being awarded scholarships through the New Colombo Plan.

IT scholar takes her studies to Korea
A USC student working towards a career as an ethical hacker has gained a prestigious $68,000 Australian Government scholarship to travel to South Korea and Singapore in 2021 to learn more about cybersecurity.

Study Overseas at the University of Wyoming
Hey Everyone! My name is Camille Beddoes and I have just been on a semester abroad at the University of Wyoming.

NCP scholars travel to Japan
Two USC students majoring in Japanese language will have the opportunity to hone their skills further in Japan next year thanks to an esteemed Australian Government scholarship.

Study overseas at University of South-Eastern Norway
Hear from Teddi, a Bachelor of Creative Writing student who studied overseas in Norway.

Australia Awards student attends key agricultural events
Elaine Galore, a UniSC Australia Awards scholar attended a number of key eventsĀ as part of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research program. Elaine was one of a select group of students invited to attend as she works towards completing her Master of Science program.

UniSC students in Malaysia and Borneo
A group of UniSC students travelled to Malaysia and Borneo as part of their program. Supported by NCP funding, students had the opportunity to put their acquired skills into practice in Malay and Bornean national parks.

Two students study overseas in the International Winter University program in Germany
Annette and Detroit were successful recipients of a scholarship to study overseas in a short term program at the University of Applied Sciences Fulda, Germany.