5 simple referencing tips to apply this semester
5 Apr 2022Confused about referencing? You’re not the only one! Check out the top tips from USC Learning Advisers to make referencing easier.

How to change your uni preferences
15 Dec 2021Once you’ve received your ATAR results, you may want to change your preferences if things didn’t go as planned.
Five ways to access the USC library after graduation
12 Nov 2021Did you know USC Alumni can still access many of the library resources and spaces?

Using ketamine to help treat mental health disorders is becoming more common
29 Oct 2021Ketamine was discovered by an organic chemist in the 1960s but it was only more recently considered as a as a tool to help improve mental health outcomes.

How to perform at your peak in the final weeks
15 Oct 2021Tips to get your head and habits in the right space so you can perform at your peak and achieve your goals.

Creating Change: Meet mads Best. Student, Advocate, Graduate!
12 Oct 2021Ask mads Best and they’ll tell you the Caboolture Shared Campus keeps on giving! Through persistence, courage and sheer hard work mads breaks down barriers, challenges stereotypes, champions change and has graduated from the campus with two qualifications; a TAFE Diploma in Nursing and a USC Bachelor of Nursing!
Take time for your mind during QLD Mental Health Week
6 Oct 2021Explore the small activities that you can do for some 'me time' to help build a stronger and happier you

How to embrace feedback and improve your work
27 Sep 2021Make the most of assessment feedback and improve your marks with these simple tips from USC Learning Advisers.

Reconnect with your study goals after the break
24 Sep 2021Feeling refreshed after the break? Finish off the semester strong and in control with these top tips!

How to make the 2032 Brisbane Games the most inclusive ever
15 Sep 2021As the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games approaches, we have a unique opportunity to ensure we host the most inclusive and accessible Games in the world.

How to develop transferable skills that employers are looking for
10 Sep 2021Employers are seeking graduates who can demonstrate their transferable skills - but what are these? The UniSC Careers and Employability team share what they are and how you can build them throughout your studies.

From darkness to light: Nathan's journey back from the edge
31 Aug 2021Nathan Taylor is living proof when you hit your lowest point, life does get better.

How to make group work work well!
25 Aug 2021USC Midwifery student Kristy shares her best tips for group work to make it a positive experience and achieve the results you want!

Top tips for researching, by a USC Librarian
16 Aug 2021Research like a pro with these top tips from USC Librarians.

Celebrate your own diversity during Diversity Week
12 Aug 2021UniSC social work student Bailey Wemyss challenges UniSC students, staff and community to take stock of their biases and celebrate their own diversity during Diversity Week!

Making the most of University Life: Natalie's Story
13 Jul 2021My name is Natalie Lung and I am studying a Bachelor of Nursing Science at USC Caboolture.

A spirit of determination
2 Jul 2021In 2003, Aunty Judi Wickes had both arms in plaster, $250 in her pocket and a determination to put on the Sunshine Coast’s first NAIDOC event.

My experiences as a trans non-binary person
12 May 2021It took Maddy Best a long time to find the right words to express themselves.

Keeping the spark alive in the electric vehicle industry
5 May 2021Electric vehicles are rapidly disrupting the car industry landscape.

Local Moreton Bay Business Owner Plans for Future Success at USC Caboolture
4 May 2021Local Moreton Bay Business Owner, David Dorigotti of Pentrigon, plans for future success.

University Medal recipient celebrates graduation and resets their life course
4 May 2021USC student Hayley Hartland celebrates graduating.