Special Tertiary Admissions Test | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Special Tertiary Admissions Test

A Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) is an Admission Pathway option for applicants who have no formal academic qualifications and are at least 18 years of age.

The STAT test is not accepted for current Year 12 school leavers.

A STAT result provides you with an admission score or selection rank. The result can also be combined with other certain qualifications to enhance the strength of your application for admission. Most importantly, the STAT result is only ever used to increase your chances of admission, and cannot disadvantage your application.

The STAT is a two-hour test made up of 70 multiple choice questions (50 percent qualitative and 50 percent quantitative), which test your aptitude - not your knowledge of specific subjects. For this reason, you do not have to 'study' for the test.

In your application, the STAT can be:

  • used by itself; or
  • combined with competency-based study, eg some TAFE courses (all subjects/assessments must be successfully completed); and/or
  • combined with other professional qualifications (eg trade apprenticeships)

It is strongly advised that you seek advice from Student Central before you decide to sit the STAT.

More information

Refer to the QTAC website for more information on the STAT, including how to register for the STAT, STAT dates, costs and locations.