Law and criminology | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Law and criminology

It's all happening at UniSC

Be empowered with the knowledge and skills to make a lasting impact in the world as a lawyer, legal researcher, criminologist, forensic psychologist, law enforcement officer, youth or community justice worker, or community corrections officer.

Our courses are taught by experienced legal practitioners and criminologists with a focus on practical skills, to give you a real-world understanding of crime, justice and the law for an interesting and rewarding career path.

Hands-on law degrees

Bachelor degree

Combined degree

Gain a career advantage with a double degree tailored to your areas of interest.


Add one year for an Honours Degree

These programs are 'End-on honours' which means one year of study, in addition to your bachelor degree. You can apply for a one-year honours program after you have completed a three-year bachelor's degree in Criminology and Justice or related field.

I love knowing how our legal systems impact people, ranging from legislation to our prison systems. I can use my critical thinking skills to apply legal reasoning to a scenario and learn how to adequately research court cases.

Emma Bryan

Bachelor of Laws/
Bachelor of Criminology student

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Not ready to commit to a 3 year degree?

Gain foundation skills and employment opportunities by graduating with a diploma or undergraduate certificate. While qualifications in their own right, they can also be a pathway to a bachelor and beyond.


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Understanding, preventing and responding to sexual violence

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Law a moot point for school leavers

Two Chancellor State College graduates are living their dream as law students, inspired to study after competing in the University’s moot court at the Sunshine Coast Schools Mooting Competition presented annually by UniSC.

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