Around the world forests are central to the lives of billions of people. Our vision is to help communities who rely on forest resources to improve environmental sustainability, economic viability, and livelihoods with evidence-based policy to support the future wellbeing of the people and the environment that they co-exist in.
Our geographic focus is in tropical and subtropical regions, mostly in the Asia–Pacific region. These forest areas are critical for livelihoods of many millions of people and provide critical environmental goods and services such as water, carbon storage and biodiversity.
Our team understands the challenges that government agencies and the private sector faces in dealing with the complex socio-economic, political and biophysical aspects of forest management in the tropics.
Project Tarsier
Reforestation for people biodiversity and climate
The Tarsier Project is a large-scale reforestation project providing research to address key knowledge gaps on how to implement reforestation at scale with communities for socioeconomic and environmental benefits.
Research areas

Indigenous forestry
To maintain and enhance the economic and bio-cultural values of Indigenous peoples’ forests, so that these forests continue to support Indigenous peoples’ livelihoods.

Forest restoration with communities
To enhance the outcomes of forest and landscape restoration with communities and smallholders.

Forest ecology
To enhance forest management by investigating the biological and environmental interactions that affect the way that forests function.

Tropical silviculture
Research which explores post-logging recruitment of tree biodiversity and the potential role of underplanted seedlings and small scale nurseries for reforestation.
We collaborate with several research partners who are invaluable to our research.
Research members
Our members include social and biophysical scientists with expertise in forest restoration and rehabilitation, ecology, forest science, silviculture, hydrology, soil science, anthropology, livelihood systems, economics, supply chains, finance and policy.
Research students
We provide exciting and rewarding research opportunities for Higher Degree by Research students, early and mid-career researchers, research fellows and our collaborating partners.
You can contact key members by clicking on their profile.