Collaborations | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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The Forest Industries Research Centre (FIRC) has a number of research partners that are invaluable to its research programs. These partnerships allow FIRC to work collaboratively and thus expand and enhance the collective knowledge of the entire forestry industry.



Due to its unique geographical location in the tropics/sub-tropics, FIRC researchers are playing leading roles internationally in research collaboration on topics across the Southern Hemisphere and South East Asia and as invited experts to emerging research collaborations in China.

The FIRC team also aims to engage with developing nations to apply current best-knowledge to build sustainable forestry value chains while at the same time building relationships, funding and knowledge for future research and development.



The FIRC team recognises the importance of achieving impact with end users and therefore regularly engages with the wider forestry industry through conference participation, workshops and ongoing collaboration. FIRC also focuses on effective transitioning from research to development and engagement by producing guides and tools adapted to end user needs.