Human Factors methods
The Centre’s research and translation activities are underpinned by the use of a range of human factors methods. Centre members are skilled in applying the following state-of-the-art human factors methods:
- accident analysis methods (eg. Accimap, STAMP, HFACS)
- systems analysis methods (eg. EAST, Cognitive Work Analysis)
- cognitive task analysis methods (eg. the Critical Decision Method, Applied Cognitive Task Analysis)
- task analysis methods (eg. Hierarchical Task Analysis, Operator Event Sequence Diagrams)
- situation awareness assessment (eg. Situation awareness network analysis, verbal protocol analysis)
- workload assessment (eg. NASA TLX)
- interface design methods (eg. Link analysis, Layout analysis, checklists, usability assessment)
- data collection methods (eg. observational study, interviews, questionnaires, surveys)
- error prediction and analysis methods (eg. SHERPA, TRACEr, HET)
- teamwork assessment methods (eg. EAST, Coordination Demands Analysis, Social Network Analysis)
ORCA (On-Road CApability)
The Centre’s On-Road CApability (ORCA) supports our leading edge research into driver cognition and behaviour, road infrastructure design, and interactions between different forms of road user (eg drivers and cyclists, drivers and motorcyclists).
ORCA is a Ford Focus 2.0L Trend sedan that is instrumented with Racelogic video VBox pro, giving it the following data collection capabilities:
- 4 HD Cameras + audio recording
- Real time data overlaid on video
- Acquisition of Vehicle data through CAN bus
- GPS position and mapping
- lateral and longitudinal accelerometers
ORCA is able to capture verbal protocols in real time, synchronised with accurate quantitative data collected at 20hz.
Current research projects
- investigating the impact of verbal protocols on driver behaviour and workload
- examination of schema and situation awareness in simulators and on-road
For further information regarding ORCA, its capabilities, or its availability, please contact Paul Salmon, +61 7 5456 5893, psalmon@usc.edu.au.
Driving simulation and VR
Our advanced driving simulator allows us to examine driver behaviour in a range of different contexts (e.g., rail level crossings, new intersection designs, rural environments) and under various conditions (e.g., impairment through fatigue, distraction, alcohol, or drugs).
The simulator is powered by OKTAL Scaner Software and has the following features:
- 3 x 1080p screens providing 135deg view;
- 5.1 surround sound;
- Realistic driving controls; and
- haptic feedback through steering wheel.
Current projects
- evaluation of new rail level crossing designs
- examination of schema and situation awareness in drivers with and without driving experience
- visual attention in driving
For further information regarding our simulator, its capabilities, or its availability, please contact Paul Salmon, +61 7 5456 5893, psalmon@usc.edu.au.
Naturalistic recording tools
Centre researchers have access to a range of technologies that support naturalistic recording of human behaviour, including advanced video and audio recording tools. These tools include allow us to comprehensively record behaviour in a diverse set of contexts. Current projects involving naturalistic studies of behaviour include:
- on-road naturalistic studies of road user behaviour (including drivers, cyclists, and motorcyclists)
- naturalistic studies of situation awareness and communication in AFL umpire teams
- naturalistic studies of situation awareness and teamwork in cycling pelotons
- pedestrian behaviour at rail level crossings and intersections
Software tools
Centre researchers are skilled in the use of a range of software tools that support the analysis of human, organisational, and system performance. These tools include:
- the Cognitive Work Analysis Software tool (CWA Tool)
- the Hierarchical Task Analysis Software tool (HTA Tool)
- Leximancer
- NVivo
The CWA Tool and HTA Tool are available for use by other researchers and practitioners. Please contact Professor Paul Salmon if you are interested in using either tool.