Digital security | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Digital security

USC partners with AusCERT, CERT Australia, Stay Smart Online and The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Stop.Think.Connect. Campaign - Academic Alliance​ to protect our systems from compromise.

The information contained herein is a guide, there is no panacea for cyber security and the vectors of attack change rapidly. At USC we are vigilant and responsive to those changes in order to keep our systems protected.​

Practising good cyber security habits will help protect you from hackers and identity thieves. USC’s digital security team have created seven 'top tips' to keep your information and the University’s network secure. These tips will benefit you on campus, at home on your personal and family devices and in your future workplaces.

While USC maintains advanced email filters and firewall technologies, it is under constant attack. 95% of cyber crime in Australia happens because of a simple human error such as sharing a password or clicking on a suspicious link.

Don't give out personal information

Avoid phishing attempts by keeping your personal information private. Be suspicious of phone calls, text messages, emails and websites that ask for personal identifiers, especially unsolicited requests for usernames and passwords. No one at USC will ever ask you for your password by email or over the phone.

Create complex passwords

Create passwords with a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols, maybe use a sentence or a song lyric. Consider using password managers to create and keep track of your passwords.

Think twice before clicking links

Be careful of emails, websites, text messages and social media posts containing links. Some websites may use "clickbait" quizzes, freebies, or salacious stories to get you to click on them and then steal your personal information or plant a virus.

Keep your computer and phone updated

Software developers release security updates to keep products safe. Keep your device software up to date so it is not vulnerable to malware.

Don't charge your phone using a laptop or PC USB

Your phone is essentially a hard drive and could contain malware or viruses just waiting to sneak onto the network. It works the other way too; your phone and all your personal information could be at risk if you plug it directly into an unsecured shared computer.

Be cautious about using public Wi-Fi

Be careful when you use public Wi-Fi. Don't access the USC network, your bank accounts, or sensitive personal data, on unsecured public networks. Turn off Bluetooth, sharing and automatic connectivity. Cyber criminals love lurking on free Wi-Fi in cafes, shopping centres and places where you are not on your guard.

If you see something suspicious, report it!

If you receive a suspicious email or think you might have clicked on something you shouldn't have, don't panic. Don't delete the email. Contact the Student IT Help Desk