UniSC's Work Experience Scheme has been designed to assist students gain real-world industry experience in addition to their current program requirements.
What is WES?
The UniSC Work Experience Scheme (WES) provides current UniSC students, in approved programs with support and insurance coverage to identify and obtain unpaid work experience opportunities relevant to their course of study.
WES enables placements for a maximum of 30 days or 240 hours within a calendar year, in a supervised skill development capacity.
Benefits for students
- Provides a platform to test your vocational preferences, and increases confidence through experiencing real work situations.
- Develops competencies for professional practice, transferable employability skills and new links for professional networks.
- Formal recognition for placements undertaken through the work experience scheme can be gained through the UniSC Student Leadership Award.
- Provides students with access to supervised work experience placements where there is limited space or capacity to complete an internship in their current program.
- Access to employability support provided through Careers and Employability.
Note: The Work Experience Scheme (WES) differs from Work Integrated Learning (WIL) internships as it does not earn credit towards your course.
How do I start?
If you will have completed at least 1 semester of study by the time of the placement and are currently enrolled in a UniSC eligible program, you can apply for the Work Experience Scheme.
Download the WES Student Guide (PDF 1.34MB) which guides you through the process of setting up your placement.
Please allow at least 3 weeks to set up a placement with an organisation with no previous partnership arrangement with the University.
To submit an application:
- Check the list of UniSC eligible programs included in the Work Experience Scheme from the menu below
- Log on to Sonia Online using your existing UniSC student login details
- Go to the 'Forms' tab
- Select the 'WES Student Application' and Add to your profile
- Select the 'Edit' button, complete the form and press 'Submit'
If you are unable to access the WES Student Application it may mean your current program of study is not on the list of pre-approved programs, please request approval from your Program Coordinator and email careerdevelopment@usc.edu.au to apply for the work experience scheme.
School of Business and Creative Industries
- Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)
- Bachelor of Business (International Business)
- Bachelor of Business (Management)
- Bachelor of Business (Marketing)
- Bachelor of Business (Tourism, Leisure and Event Management)
- Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)
- Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Commerce (Financial Planning)
- Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Communication
- Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)
- Bachelor of Commerce (Financial Planning)
- Bachelor of Communication
- Bachelor of Communication (Journalism)
- Bachelor of Communication (Professional Communication)
- Bachelor of Communication (Social Media)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries
- Bachelor of Creative Industries (Theatre and Performance)
- Bachelor of Design
- Bachelor of Journalism
- Bachelor of Property Economics and Development
- Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
- Graduate Certificate in Health Sector Leadership
- Graduate Certificate in Management
- Graduate Diploma in Business Administration
- Master of Business Administration
- Master of Business Administration (Extended)
- Master of International Business
- Master of Management
School of Law and Society
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Criminology and Justice
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry)
- Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)
- Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Commerce (Financial Planning)
- Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Criminology and Justice
- Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Environmental Management
- Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Journalism
- Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Property Economics and Development
- Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Social Science
- Bachelor of Social Science
- Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) / Bachelor of Criminology and Justice
- Bachelor Urban Design and Town Planning (Honours)
School of Health and Behavioural Sciences
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science
- Bachelor of Health Science
- Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
- Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology)
- Bachelor of Sports and Exercise Science
- Bachelor of Sports Studies
School of Science, Technology and Engineering
- Bachelor of Animal Ecology
- Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Environmental Management
- Bachelor of Environmental Science
- Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology
- Master of Information and Communications Technology
What is it?
Each individual student can undertake a maximum duration of up to 30 days (240 hours) unpaid work experience per calendar year.
The nature of the placement should be one of a supportive learning environment, enhancing learning, training and skill development through observation and practice. At the same time, it should also be a platform for a student to be able to demonstrate emerging industry skills by undertaking specific tasks.
Benefits for employers
- Access to enthusiastic and motivated students who can bring a fresh perspective to the workplace.
- A low-risk method for assessing students for future employment.
- An extra pair of hands to help with specific projects.
- Opportunity for staff development through the mentoring of students.
- Students who undertake unpaid placements are covered under the University's Insurance for Student Personal Accident, Public Liability, Professional Indemnity and Medical Malpractice (where applicable) insurances whilst involved in approved placement activities.
Host responsibilities
Hosting a student for work experience requires you to:
- Complete relevant pre-placement documentation with UniSC, relating to placement details, partnership arrangements and health and safety.
- Provide the student with a workplace induction. This will include information on workplace health and safety procedures, workplace policies and and orientation to your workplace and operational staff.
- Provide students with appropriate supervision and work experience relevant to the student's career journey. The nature of placement activities are agreed between the host and student prior to the placement commencing.
- Participate in an end of placement evaluation relating to the student's experience.
How can I take part?
Please contact UniSC Careers and Employability to register your interest.
Download the Host WES Fact Sheet (PDF 92KB) for further information.

UniSC Careers and Employability can assist you to prepare for WES, and will be the key contact for both students and host organisations during the WES experience.
Email: careerdevelopment@usc.edu.au
Tel: +61 7 5430 2890