UniSC is committed to excellence in teaching, research and engagement in an environment that is inclusive, inspiring, safe and respectful.
The Student Charter sets out what students can expect from the University, and what in turn is expected of students, to achieve these outcomes.
A safe, inclusive, diverse and supportive learning environment
Students can expect:
- to be treated with courtesy, fairness and respect.
- to have reasonable needs considered equitably regardless of individual differences such as ethnic origin, religion, age, sexuality, gender identity, disability or mode of study
- to enjoy a safe learning environment free from intimidation, harassment, discrimination or bullying
- to express and defend alternative points of view using respectful dialogue and rational debate mindful of the feelings of others and understanding relevant ethical implications
- to have concerns and complaints considered promptly and impartially, and to have access to fair and equitable grievance and appeals process
- to have reasonable access to services that develop personal and academic capabilities
- to have private information treated as confidential, protected against unauthorised access, and requested only where necessary for University academic and administrative functions
- that rules, policies and procedures are easily accessible and up to date
The University expects students to:
- treat other members of the University community with courtesy, fairness and respect
- respect the safety, wellbeing and property of others
- refrain from behaviour which might reasonably be perceived as unsafe, intimidating, discriminating, harassing, bullying or disruptive to other members of the University community
- respect the right of others to express opinions and deal with disagreement through rational debate and established processes
- respect the privacy of staff and other students and maintain the confidentiality of personal information
- respect University property and facilities, including appropriate use of information technology resources
- make themselves aware of the rules, policies and procedures of the University.

A high quality, engaging and relevant education
Students can expect:
- curricula that:
- demonstrate sound design principles
- have regional, national and global relevance
- are informed by discipline, professional and employer needs and priorities and contribute to the development of important graduate skills and attributes
- teaching which engages, fosters curiosity, facilitates learning and provides a range of experiences where knowledge can be tested and explored
- assessment of academic performance that is fair, based on explicit criteria and performance standards, and consistent with the principles of academic integrity and scholarly conduct
- assessment that is logically related to tasks and learning objectives; and provides a variety of ways to demonstrate knowledge and skills
- feedback that is timely and constructive and assists in a process of continual improvement
- information about programs, courses, enrolments and other administrative procedures that is current and accurate and enables informed decision making
- purposeful work integrated learning (WIL) that combines theory with practice to build discipline knowledge and advance career goals
- the provision of appropriate research supervision and management for Higher Degrees by Research
- reasonable access to the University’s resources and facilities, including:
- library books and databases
- computers, software and communication networks
- laboratory facilities
- study and meeting space
- academic support services
The University expects students to:
- familiarise themselves with the requirements of their program of study
- adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity and familiarise themselves with the policies and procedures related to plagiarism, intellectual property and academic misconduct
- participate actively and positively in learning and research activities
- inform themselves of assessment requirements and submit required work on time
- refer to assessment criteria and standards and use feedback from staff and peers to inform their learning
- proactively seek assistance from University support services when needed
- demonstrate initiative and appropriate professional behaviour while undertaking industry placements, projects or fieldwork, and respect the privacy of the client and any commercial information made available
- keep their contact details up to date and check their University email account regularly
An opportunity to contribute
As members of the University community, students can expect:
- opportunities to contribute to University governance and decision making concerning student-related matters through representation on relevant committees and processes
- opportunities to provide feedback on courses, programs and teaching
- that the University values the work of the UniSC Student Guild and its role as an independent and democratically elected body that advocates for student needs, and promotes a vibrant and inclusive University community

Find out more

While this document provides an overview of the mutual expectations between the University and the student, it is important that students refer to the official University policies and procedures which provide full details of their rights, responsibilities and where to access advice or assistance.
A full list of policies and procedures is available at policies and procedures.
This document was created consultatively between the University and the student body.
This document is available in alternative formats (eg Braille, digital, audio and large print) on request to AccessAbility Services, Student Services and Engagement.
The University acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands on which the University operates.
Approved by the Vice-Chancellor and President, 2 December, 2015.
Download the printer-friendly version - UniSC Student Charter (PDF)