Leveraging local talent to solve local problems
We seek to make a genuine contribution towards improving individual learning outcomes and achieve economic growth. To make this happen, we work collaboratively with our partners to identify skills and knowledge gaps and to develop practical, innovative solutions to overcome the unique and complex challenges facing their community.
In partnership with our clients, we build the capacity of communities and organisations to become ethical and thoughtful leaders, who can lead transformation that is sustained over time.
Our work is research-informed, and our approach is underpinned by four key values:
- Inclusivity
- Empathy
- Responsibility
- Collaboration
Our work

Australia Awards Papua New Guinea short course in university leadership
Eighteen participants representing six Papua New Guinea universities participated in this AAPNG short course on university leadership. The focus was on the role of leadership and governance in today’s globally competitive higher education sector and the context of COVID 19.
The course addressed leadership issues through critical conversations, reflective exercises, feedback, and group simulation. One of the aims of the course was to develop strong relations between Australian universities and their PNG counterparts to strengthen international partnership and research collaboration.

(ACIAR) John Dillon Fellowship program
The fellowship brought together 14 agricultural scientists from across the Asia-Pacific region, namely Fiji, Indonesia, Philippines, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Tanzania, Vanuatu, and Vietnam. The training aimed to develop leadership skills in the areas of agricultural research management, agricultural policy and/or extension technologies. This was achieved by providing exposure to Australian agriculture across a range of best-practice organisations involved in research, extension and policy making.
Established by the Australian Government, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), the John Dillon Fellowship (JDF) is a scholarship offered to outstanding agricultural scientists from Australia and partner countries. The program aims to support countries facing challenges to agricultural development as a result of population growth and mining development.

Australia Awards Papua New Guinea: Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation
25 entrepreneurs in small and medium enterprises participated in this program to build or diversify their businesses to contribute to economic growth and employment outcomes for PNG.
The short course on Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation was designed to build knowledge and skills, as well as empower and support 25 entrepreneurs from Papua New Guinea (PNG). The intensive professional development course gave the participants skills in leadership, business creation, ethics and values, intellectual property, risk management and venture creation with a strong focus on gender equality.

Australia Awards Short Course in Change Management in Vocational Education and Training in Vietnam
Together CIDSEL and Aus4skills have partnered with the Vocational and Educational Training Sector in Vietnam to build the capacity of the participants to renovate the VET sector toward a more industry-led framework through the practical implementation of change-management strategies.
Thirty-six participants from Aus4Skills partner VET colleges, chamber of commerce, and industry, as well as from the government’s employment management authority attended the course to get a deeper theoretical understanding of change management and the skills required to solve problems and apply change management tools within the transforming Vietnam VET sector.