Beach to Birrabeen | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Beach to Birrabeen

In December 2016, the Fraser Island Defenders Organisation (FIDO) invited the Fraser Coast’s Regional Artists and Tutors group to accompany them during a BioBlitz on K’Gari (Fraser Island).

The BioBlitz brought together specialist scientists from a range of disciplines to undertake field studies to develop an inventory of the natural resources and species across a defined research area on K’Gari. Artists Gina Davey, Kelli McGregor, Valerie McIntosh, David Probyn and Jo Williams spent seven days immersed in this scientific enquiry. Beach to Birrabeen brings together a selection of artworks made in situ and in the studio that respond to the unique environment of K’Gari and the scientists’ fields of enquiry.

Related Events

Opening event
6.30pm Thursday 23 November

Deeper Conversations: Beach to Birrabeen artists in conversation
6.30pm Wednesday 6 December

David PROBYN Scott of Fraser Island 2017. Acrylic on canvas. 90 x 65cm. Courtesy of the artist.