January | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Scholarships expand career, study options for Fraser Coast students
28 Jan 2021

USC is offering 25 exclusive full scholarships for Fraser Coast students applying to study a range of undergraduate certificates this semester.

Clinical trial of experimental new treatment for chronic plaque psoriasis
28 Jan 2021

USC Clinical Trials is about to begin a study of an experimental new treatment for mild to moderate chronic plaque psoriasis, a common skin condition.

Myall Creek massacre exhibition provides new perspective
28 Jan 2021

An exhibition exploring the history and site of the 1838 Myall Creek massacre through the work of some of Australia’s leading Indigenous artists is expected to challenge visitors to take a new look at history.

Business analyst becomes midwife to help mums
28 Jan 2021

A Brisbane-raised business analyst who worked in investment management and finance in London for 10 years has graduated from USC with her third degree – to become a midwife.

$45,000 scholarship for new Gympie nursing students
28 Jan 2021

New students enrolling full-time in the three-year Bachelor of Nursing Science at USC’s Gympie campus this semester can apply for a scholarship, valued at up to $45,000.

Superheroes to the rescue of chemistry students
19 Jan 2021

USC academics have devised a cunning plan to harness the power of superheroes to help first-year Chemistry students better understand the complex concepts of the periodic table of elements.

Short course helps Tina earn PNG business award
18 Jan 2021

An aspiring entrepreneur who boosted her business success in Papua New Guinea after completing a short course in business at USC Sunshine Coast is starting 2021 as one of PNG’s 10 most innovative producers of consumer goods.

More than 5,600 receive offers to study at USC
14 Jan 2021

A record number of people have received offers to begin degrees at USC in Semester 1 this year, with interest in studying at the university surging.

Research weeds out problems for Coast beach dunes
14 Jan 2021

PhD research into the plants and insects of the Sunshine Coast’s beach dunes is identifying more ways to restore and revegetate the iconic environment – without the weeds.

Bidens make USC Fraser Coast their first choice
14 Jan 2021

While some school leavers have trouble deciding their next move after high school, it has been an easy choice for Mackenzie Biden of Hervey Bay – she is following her brother Thomas into a career as a teacher.

Back to uni helps businesswoman banish COVID déjà vu
12 Jan 2021

While the resurgence of COVID-19 is causing deja vu for many business owners, Fiona Roberts is looking forward to “another amazing year” in 2021.

USC graduates Theo Mostert, Rees Telford and Brad Lines
Driller digs deep for career as doctor
7 Jan 2021

A former fly in-fly out mines driller who recently graduated from USC with a Psychology degree is taking his career change even further in 2021 after getting into medicine.

Free USC course offers ways to upskill and reskill
7 Jan 2021

With many adults reassessing their career options as 2021 begins, USC is offering those looking to upskill or reskill a free course as an introduction to higher education.

Job-ready skills give Accounting graduates the edge
5 Jan 2021

As demand for job-ready graduates grows, Accounting students at USC Fraser Coast are proving that gaining workplace experience while completing a degree can quickly add up to career success.

Malaria clinical trial
USC Clinical Trials seeks healthy volunteers for malaria study
5 Jan 2021

USC Clinical Trials has partnered with the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute in Brisbane to investigate whether an approved anti-malarial drug can be used more extensively to counter malaria – a disease that claims more than 400,000 lives worldwide each year.