Master graduates publish first anthology | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Master graduates publish first anthology

The seeds of creative writing success have been sown in a new book published by USC’s first cohort of Master of Professional Practice (Creative Writing) graduates.

The anthology, called Seed, features stories by 16 authors who graduated this year from the USC postgraduate degree that focuses on intensive workshops and mentorships to help aspiring writers achieve their goals.

Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing Dr Paul Williams, who launched the book at the USC Art Gallery last week, said he was delighted at the diverse mix of people who enrolled in the degree introduced at USC in 2016.

“We had students of all ages and backgrounds writing in a wide range of genres, from memoir and romance to sci-fi, horror and literary fiction, yet they all supported each other like family and worked together to succeed,” Dr Williams said.

“I’m sure Seed will bear fruit as these USC graduates launch their writing careers in various industries, from journalism and scriptwriting to publishing and teaching.”

MPP (Creative Writing) graduate Sharon Green, an English language teacher who writes young adult dystopian fiction, said she gained great satisfaction from coordinating the self-published anthology.

The audience at the launch listened to readings by poet Robin Archbold (magical realism), Denise Brooks (memoir of childhood in an orphanage), Kate Eagles (biography of an ancestor who was a whaler and mariner) and Joshua Wildie (literary fiction).

Applications are now open via QTAC to study at USC in 2018. 'Meet USC' events will be held on campus at Sippy Downs and USC Fraser Coast on Thursday 12 October.

Julie Schomberg

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