The last word | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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The last word

The last word

Kate Greenwood, archaeologist and cultural heritage consultant

Kate Greenwood graduated from USC with a Bachelor of Arts (major in environment and planning and a minor in politics and international relations) in 2007. In 2009 Kate established her own business, Greenwood Consultancy where she works with Traditional Custodians on cultural heritage projects.

Kate went on to study her postgraduate degree in archaeology at Flinders University and has been working as an archaeologist ever since.

Earlier this year Kate was awarded the title of Adjunct Research Fellow with the University of Queensland and is the current Assistant Treasurer with the Australia Archaeological Association.

Kate has worked on numerous projects, with her favourite being working with Kabi Kabi women to bring their traditional dilly bag weaving style back to Country.


I grew up/went to school in… Cornwall in the UK and then Coffs Harbour. When I was a kid I wanted to be… a National Geographic Photographer. My first job was… a paper round. Now I spend my days… walking Country with Traditional Owners and researching. I can’t live without… my family. My proudest moment was… having Traditional Owners name an Aboriginal site I found after me. The best advice I’ve been given is… follow your dreams. In other people, I value… honesty and trust. It’s daggy, but I love… researching. I’m currently reading/watching… Deep Time Dreaming by Billy Griffiths. My hidden talent is… fire twirling. I’m hopeless at… being patient. One day I’d love to… work with Indigenous people all around the world.

Kate Greenwood