With a systems perspective that acknowledges the complexity of delivering sustainable urban environments we research, teach, and design to optimise urban climate and urban comfort. We are part of both the Centre for Human Factors and Sociotechnical Systems (CHF-STS) and the School of Law and Society, and we engage widely with industry and local communities.

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Research focus and projects
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Teaching and learning
USC courses that explore the areas of Complex Systems and Urban Climate

Current partners
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Equipment and software
Infrastructure for experimentation and simulation of existing and future urban scenarios

Publications and awards
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Latest news

Journal of Public Space Special Section on Health, Urban Climate and Complexity in Urban Design and Planning
The BASC Lab launched its collaboration with the Journal of Public Space – a partnership project with UN-Habitat, the United Nations Human Settlements Programme. The Journal of Public Space is the first, international, interdisciplinary, academic, open access journal entirely dedicated to public space. The BASC Lab team recently secured an ongoing special section in the journal entitled: Health, Urban Climate and Complexity in Urban Design and Planning. Learn more...

Upcoming urban climate modelling course - An ENVI-met intensive course
We begin 2023 by offering an opportunity to undertake an ENVI-met urban climate simulation course. A shortage in skills related to urban climate has recently been identified, particularly in the area of climate modelling. We have a limited number of places available. It will be 2 days at UniSC Sippy Downs campus. Learn more...

Congratulations Dr Greg Mews!
Dr Greg Mews has been awarded the Gerd Albers Award for his book 'Transforming Public Space through Play' during the 2022 ISOCARP Conference. Dr Mews subsequently won the Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) Queensland Award for Planning Research for his book.

It is getting hot here: Preparing for a heating future in 'the Sunshine State'
When you think Queensland, you think heat. It’s right there in the nickname ‘The Sunshine State’. Yet one of the curiosities of the state is that minimal governance exists to ensure Queensland homes, towns and cities protect occupants from threats posed by heat. Learn more...