Sandra Jeffries | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Sandra Jeffries

Distinguished Companion (September 2019)

Sandra Jeffries was named a Distinguished Companion in September in 2019 in recognition of her leadership in various initiatives, the Paul Thomas Library and USC's Information Services.

Sandra has significantly contributed to the University, having led the Information Services function of USC for nearly 13 years, exploring emerging technology resources and ensuring that USC remained at the forefront in the provision of its Library, Information Services, and Mail and Print Services. Sandra’s commitment, unwavering loyalty and support has been crucial to overcome the challenges that have been encountered over the past years as USC has grown from a single site university to multiple campuses.

Sandra has led, in conjunction with her managers, various initiatives that have had a significant impact on the USC community, including the introduction of MyUSC; the Paul Thomas Library being made available as a space to students 24/7; the introduction of an information management services team and electronic document and records systems; and the upgrade to the library system.

Most importantly, Sandra has fostered a client focused culture within her teams that has helped our students see the connection between information and achieving their academic goals, and an environment in which the needs of our academics are recognised and supported to achieve their teaching and research goals.

In recognition of her sustained and distinguished service to USC, Sandra Jeffries is a worthy recipient of the award of Distinguished Companion of the University.