Stephanie Menzies | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Stephanie Menzies

MEd Sunshine Coast, GradCertEd Sunshine Coast, DIPT(Prim) Cantuar

  • Associate Lecturer
  • School of Education and Tertiary Access
+61 7 5456 5920
Office location
SD C.2.04
Sunshine Coast
Stephanie Menzies

Ms Stephanie Menzies is an Associate Lecturer in the School of Education and Tertiary Access. She has a background in primary school teaching, SPELD teaching and Reading Recovery Teaching which has spanned 30 years Her specialised subject is Literacy and she offers professional development sessions to teachers across the Sunshine Coast in this area.

Stephanie is particularly interested in first Year student’s and how they can successfully transition to university learning. She aims to strengthen student’s first-year experience, as she believes it is often the foundation for success in later years. Stephanie focusses on respecting, supporting and inspiring students to increase their skills, confidence, sense of belonging and identity by providing a safe and supportive classroom environment. Her pedagogical approach is based on the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of ‘respect, rights, and responsibilities framework. She attributes her success as course coordinator, lecturer, and tutor to her focus on relationship building between herself and her students, in alignment with Parker Palmer’s suggestion that ‘Good teaching cannot be reduced to technique; good teaching comes from the identity and integrity of the teacher’. She strives to ensure that students feel welcomed, included, valued, and appreciated, therefore designing engaging, dynamic tutorials rich in learning opportunities. Her background in implementing inclusive pedagogical practices in the New Zealand Education system has guided her to adopt a philosophy that respects, honours and celebrates diversity in all learners.

"Stephanie is the highest example of what a teacher at the University of the Sunshine Coast 8 should be… she is an excellent educator and overall creates an enriching environment for students. She always shows extensive enthusiasm and makes the environment a safe and respectful one" (Evalu8)

Professional Memberships

  • Australian Literacy Educators’ Association
  • AHE Advanced Higher Education Academy

Awards and Memberships

  • HEA Fellowship (Advance Higher Education) 2021 


Research areas

  • First Year Experience
  • Inclusive Practices
  • Teacher Identity and Professionalism

Teaching areas

  • EDU105 Professional Experience The Role of the Teacher
  • EDU106 Professional Experience Connecting with Learning and Teaching
  • EDU213 Teaching English: Curriculum and Pedagogy