Merrilyn Goos is a mathematics educator and mathematics education researcher who has worked in universities in Australia, the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Following her first career as a food technologist, she taught mathematics, chemistry, and food science in secondary schools and technical colleges in Australia before moving to the university sector as a teacher educator. Her academic research has investigated students’ mathematical thinking, the impact of digital technologies on mathematics learning and teaching, numeracy across the curriculum and across the lifespan, the professional learning and development of mathematics teachers and mathematics teacher educators, curriculum and assessment reform in schools and higher education, and gender equity in STEM education.
Merrilyn has served as Editor-in-Chief of Educational Studies in Mathematics, one of the two highest ranking international journals in mathematics education research, and she is founding co-Editor-in-Chief of Research in Integrated STEM Education, a new journal to be published by Brill from 2023. She has held leadership roles in mathematics education at the State, national and international levels, serving as Vice-President (Professional Development) of the Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers, President of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, and currently as Vice-President of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction. She is a Life Member of the Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers.
Merrilyn’s research has been supported by numerous grants from the Australian Research Council and the Office for Learning and Teaching, as well as other Australian public sector organisations. While working in Ireland she was awarded research funding from the EU Horizon 2020 scheme, Erasmus+, Science Foundation Ireland, the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, the Department of Education and Skills, the Higher Education Authority, the National Adult Literacy Agency, and the Irish Teaching Council. She is the lead author of Teaching Secondary School Mathematics (Allen & Unwin), which in 2008 won an Australian Award for Excellence in Education Publishing, and she has co-authored or co-edited books on numeracy across the curriculum and mathematics.
Professional Memberships
- Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia
- International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
- British Society for Research on Learning Mathematics
- American Educational Research Association
- International Federation of National Teaching Fellows
- Career Research Medal, Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 2022
- Life Membership, Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers, 2021
- Award for Outstanding Contribution to Mathematics Education Research, Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 2017
- Associate Fellow, Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, 2006
- Australian Award for University Teaching, 2004
- Award for Excellence in Teaching, The University of Queensland, 2003
- Practical Implications Award, Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 2000
- Early Career Award, Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 1993
Research Grants
Grant/Project name |
Investigators |
Funding body & A$ value |
Year(s) |
Focus (of research grant) |
Enabling students’ critical mathematical thinking |
V. Geiger (Australian Catholic University), K. Beswick (University of New South Wales), J. Fielding-Wells (University of New England), T. Scheiner (Australian Catholic University), G. Kaiser (University of Hamburg), M. Goos |
Australian Research Council ($382,715) |
2022-2024 |
Generating new insight into teaching practices that can promote or inhibit development of students’ critical mathematical thinking for addressing complex real-world problems |
Outdoor science education for a sustainable future |
Geonardo Environmental Technologies (HU); Fondation Europeennee de la Science (FR); Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (NL); University of Limerick (M. Goos, R. Kelly, O. McCormack) (IE); Bridge Budapest Association (HU); Learning Scoop (FI); Big Van Theory (ES); Cardet Centre for Advancement of R&D in Educational Technology (CY) |
EU Horizon 2020 |
2021-2024 |
Connecting experts in education outside the classroom (EOC) to enhance scientific citizenship |
Evaluation of the impact and implementation of the Junior Cycle Curriculum Framework |
M. Goos, O. McGarr, O. McCormack, J. O’Reilly (University of Limerick) |
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (Ireland) |
2020-2024 |
Longitudinal study evaluating the implementation and impact of a new junior secondary school curriculum in Ireland |
Integrated approach to STEM teacher training |
Linköping University, Sweden; Hacettepe University, Turkey; University of Limerick, Ireland (K. Leahy and M. Goos); Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria |
EU Erasmus+ |
2019-2021 |
Enhance STEM teacher training at partner universities in line with Bologna provisions |
Common European Numeracy Framework |
University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands; University of Barcelona, Spain; University of Limerick, Ireland (N. O’Meara, M. Goos, K. O’Sullivan, J. O’Donoghue) |
EU Erasmus+ |
2019-2021 |
Improve professional development opportunities for adult numeracy teachers in Europe by developing a Common Numeracy Framework |
Systematic review of literature to identify a set of effective interventions for addressing gender imbalance in STEM in Irish primary and post primary education settings |
M. Goos, J. O’Donoghue, C. Lane, K. Leahy, G. Walshe, T. O’Connell (University of Limerick) |
Department of Education and Skills, Ireland |
2019-2020 |
Systematic literature reviewing informing policy recommendations for improving gender equity in STEM education |
STEMChAT – Women as catalysts for change in STEM education |
M. Goos and R. Kelly (University of Limerick) |
Science Foundation Ireland |
2019-2020 |
Create new, engaging approaches to providing STEM career information for school students and parents |
Building an evidence base for national best practice in mathematics education |
R. Callingham (University of Tasmania), J. Anderson (University of Sydney), K. Beswick (University of Tasmania), C. Carmichael (Charles Sturt University), R. Faragher (Australian Catholic University), V. Geiger (Australian Catholic University), M. Goos (UQ), D. Hurrell (Notre Dame University), C. Hurst (Curtin University), T. Muir (University of Tasmania), R. Reaburn (University of Tasmania), L. Sparrow (Curtin University), S. Thornton (University of Oxford), H. Watt (Monash) University, J. Wells (University of Tasmania) |
Office of the Australian Chief Scientist |
2015 |
Investigate processes used by schools that demonstrated successful outcomes in NAPLAN numeracy in terms of student growth |
Is maths for me? Understanding and promoting disadvantaged students’ academic aspirations for mathematics |
C. Ng (ACU), M. Goos (UQ), N. Bahr (Griffith University) |
Australian Research Council Discovery Project |
2014-2017 |
Investigate influences on students’ subject choice decisions in Years 10 and 12 |
Numeracy teaching across the curriculum in Queensland |
M. Goos (UQ), V. Geiger (ACU), A. Bennison (UQ) |
Queensland College of Teachers |
2014-2015 |
Review literature on international good practice in teaching of numeracy in schools; review existing policy guidelines and teaching resources; develop research-based resources |
The Science of Learning Research Centre |
O. Lipp, J. Hattie, M. Timms, P. Sah, T. Jiang, J. Mattingley, R. Cunnington, P. Dux, D. Reutens, R. Hester, M. Goos, A. Carroll, D. Clarke, R. Gillies, G. Kennedy, C. Tayler, S. Khoo, M. Westwell, R. Tytler, T. Bredy, S. Thomson, J. Pegg, P. Griffin, S. Silburn, L. Lockyer, B. Butterworth, D. Laurillard |
Australian Research Council Strategic Research Initiative |
2013-2020 |
Foster strategic collaborations between educators, neuroscientists, and cognitive psychologists to improve understanding of learning and enhance education in a variety of settings |
Inspiring mathematics and science in teacher education |
M. Goos, J. Grotowski (co-leaders, UQ), M. Bulmer, S. Dole (UQ), S. Belward, J. Balatti (James Cook University), J. Anderson, L. Polodian, L. Sutherland, C. Taylor (University of Sydney), J. Osborn, K. Holmes, E. Prieto, P. Howley (University of Newcastle), C. Sandison, T. Forrester, A. Worthy, R. Vickers (University of Wollongong), K. Beswick, A. Seen, E. Hilder, S. Fraser, G. Thomas (University of Tasmania) |
Office for Learning and Teaching (Enhancing the Training of Mathematics and Science Teachers program) |
2013-2016 |
Foster collaboration between mathematicians, scientists, mathematics educators, and science educators who prepare future teachers. Develop strategies for combining knowledge of content and pedagogy in mathematics and science teacher education. |
Teachers using classroom data well |
P. Renshaw, A. Baroutsis, C. van Kraayenoord, M. Goos, S. Dole (UQ) |
Queensland College of Teachers |
2013-2014 |
Develop an analytic framework for best practice in using classroom data to improve student learning, illustrated by case studies |
Enhancing numeracy learning across the curriculum |
M. Goos, S. Dole (UQ); V. Geiger (ACU): H. Forgasz (Monash) |
Australian Research Council Discovery Project |
2012-2014 |
Identify the numeracy demands of all subjects in the F-10 Australian Curriculum. Develop teaching practices that support a rich approach to embedding numeracy across the curriculum. |
Proportional reasoning as a key to numeracy across the curriculum |
S. Dole, M. Goos, M. O’Brien (UQ) |
Australian Research Council Linkage Project |
2010-2014 |
Develop cross-curricular learning activities that target proportional reasoning. |
Building the culture of evidence-based practice in teacher preparation for mathematics teaching |
R. Callingham (University of Tasmania), K. Beswick (University of Tasmania) (Project Leaders), M. Goos (UQ), P. Serow (University of New England), S. Tobias (University of New England), H. Chick (University of Melbourne), J. Clarke (Flinders University), B. Kissane (Murdoch University), S. Thornton (Charles Darwin University) |
Australian Learning and Teaching Council |
2010-2013 |
Develop tools for universities to monitor the quality of their mathematics teacher education courses and processes to bring about changes based on the evidence collected |
Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting (QCAR) Framework Evaluation Phase 2 |
M. Mills, M. Goos (Project Co-Directors), P. Renshaw, R. Gilbert, E. Honan, K. Nichols, T. Wright, S. Dole, S. Muspratt (UQ) |
Queensland Department of Education and Training |
2010-2012 |
Assess the effectiveness of QCAR in improving the continuity, consistency and alignment of curriculum, assessment and reporting across Queensland schools |
Assessment policy and impact on practice: Sharpening the policy review process in Australian universities |
J. Duck, S. Hamilton, K. Webster, S. Derrington, G. Coleman, P. Sutton, M. Bowen, M. Goos (UQ) |
Australian Learning and Teaching Council |
2008-2010 |
Develop improved assessment policies and practices, and practical guidelines for reviewing and analysing assessment policies in Australian universities |
Building capacity for assessment leadership via professional development and mentoring of course coordinators |
M. Goos |
Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education |
2007-2009 |
Build the capacity of course coordinators to effectively implement the university’s assessment policies |
Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting (QCAR) Framework Evaluation Phase 1 |
M. Goos, M. Mills (Project Co-Directors), R. Gilbert, T. Wright, P. Renshaw, D. Pendergast, K. Nichols, Khan, A., Keddie, A., E. Honan (UQ) |
Queensland Department of Education, Training and the Arts |
2006-2008 |
Develop a methodology for an overall QCAR evaluation strategy and establish baseline data on teaching practice and student learning |
Longitudinal study of teaching and learning in Queensland schools |
M. Mills, M. Goos (Project Co-Directors), R. Gilbert, T. Wright, P. Renshaw, D. Pendergast, K. Nichols, Khan, A., Keddie, A., E. Honan (UQ) |
Queensland Department of Education, Training and the Arts |
2006-2008 |
Establish a framework for monitoring key aspects of classroom practice and their relationship to student learning during the middle school years; establish a baseline data set as a benchmark for a longitudinal research program |
Designing technology-enriched pedagogy in secondary mathematics education |
M. Goos |
Australian Research Council Discovery Project |
2006-2008 |
Investigate how and why secondary school mathematics teachers use digital technologies to help their students learn |
The role of technology-enriched, technology-mediated learning communities in reforming mathematics teacher education |
M. Goos |
Australian Research Council Discovery Project |
2002-2004 |
Examine the impact of a technology-enriched teacher education program on beginning teachers’ integration of digital technologies into secondary school mathematics classrooms |
Home, school and community partnerships to support children’s numeracy development |
M. Goos (Project Director), A. Coco, L. Jolly, T. Short, P. Galbraith (Q); S. Frid (Curtin University), T. Lowrie (Charles Sturt University), M. Horne (Australian Catholic University) |
Australian Government Department of Education, Science and Training |
2002-2003 |
Conduct a critical review of research literature; identify and analyse the current range of practices in Australia in home, school and community partnerships to support children’s numeracy development |
Research areas
- numeracy across the curriculum and across the lifespan
- mathematics teacher education
- mathematics teacher educator development
- STEM education
Teaching areas
- Mathematics education (curriculum and pedagogy)
- Numeracy across the curriculum
- Educational research methods
- Goos, M., Prendergast, M., O’Meara, N., & O’Sullivan, K. (2023). Supporting adults to become numerate citizens: A study of adult numeracy provision in Ireland. ZDM Mathematics Education.
- Goos, M., Ní Ríordáin, M., Faulkner, F., & Lane, C. (2023). Impact of a national professional development program for out-of-field teachers of mathematics in Ireland. Irish Educational Studies, 42(3), 401-421.
- Breive, S., Goos, M., & Monaghan, J. (2022). Interpreting a kindergarten episode through three perspectives on agency. For the Learning of Mathematics, 42, 25-30.
- Goos, M., & Beswick, K. (Eds.) (2021). The learning and development of mathematics teacher educators: International perspectives and challenges. Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-62408-8 (
- Goos, M., & Bennison, A. (2018). Boundary crossing and brokering between disciplines in pre-service mathematics teacher education. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 30, 255-275. doi: 10.1007/s13394-017-0232-4. (
- Geiger, V., Goos, M., & Forgasz, H. (2015). A rich interpretation of numeracy for the 21st century – A survey of the state of the field. ZDM Mathematics Education, 47, 531-548. doi: 10.1007/s11858-015-0708-1. (